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土 tu

Home Pinyin tu

本土 běntǔ native

表土 biǎotǔ topsoil

尘土 chéntǔ dust

出土 chūtǔ excavated; unearthed

底土 dǐtǔ subsoil

冻土 dòngtǔ permafrost

矾土 fántǔ bauxite

国土 guótǔ land

净土 jìngtǔ pure land

领土 lǐngtǔ territorial; territories; territory

泥土 nítǔ soil

粘土 niántǔ clay; clays

壤土 rǎngtǔ loamy

土鳖 tǔbiē bandit

土布 tǔbù homespun

土地 tǔdì land; lands

土豆 tǔdòu potato; potatoes

土豆泥 tǔdòu ní mashed potatoes

土耳其 tǔěrqí turkey

土方 tǔfāng earthwork

土匪 tǔfěi bandit; banditry; bandits

土豪 tǔháo local tycoon

土壤 tǔrǎng soil; soils

土司 tǔsī toast

土豚 tǔtún aardvark

土著 tǔzhù aboriginal; indigenous; native

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